BIP Service MapService Map Today is:
, Time:
, Name-day: Kacpra, Melchiora, Baltazara

The community of Stronie Śląskie,under the agreement of 23 Dec.1997 concluded between the Republic of Poland and the World Bank, has joined the Project of Liquidation of Damages after Floods, with special attention given to the programme entitled “Prevention and Restriction of the Flood Danger”.One of the tasks was to “buy the equipment for monitoring the flood danger and integrated alert system, together with the setup”.

It needs to be added here that the visual monitoring system on the area of Stronie Śląskie town (8 rotary cameras), apart from the anti-flood function, has also the role of alert system in case of danger (minimalising the reasons and results of local dangers), as well as increases the safety of our residents.

Paweł Dywański
Number of visits: 2442713 Projektowanie stron www
Project co-financed with the means of the European Fund for Regional Development within the Project INTERREG III A Czech Republic - Poland