Stare Mesto (Czech Republic) 18.09.1993
Cooperation includes mainly youth exchange, realization of common projects like Phare CBC, aiming at opening the border crossing Nowa Morawa – Stare Mesto.
Chodzież (Poland) 16.11.1996
According to the agreement, cooperation concerns the following areas: culture, education, social care, sport and economy.
La Machine (France) 18.09.1999 rok
The beginnings of cooperation date from the year 1997, when our community suffered from the flood of the century. At the beginning the cooperation included partnership of the Fire Brigade and local government, but after signing the agreement it has been extended to cultural, educational, economy and youth exchange.
Dippoldiswalde (Germany) 14.10.2000
Partnership agreement covers such areas as youth exchange, education, sport, environment protection, culture.
Szikszo (Hungary) 25.08.2003
Partnership agreement covers such areas as youth exchange, education, sport, environment protection, culture, economy development.