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, Name-day: Honoraty, Seweryny, Tomasza
Informacja o sposobach przyjmowania i załatwiania spraw urzędowych

Information on seeing with the customers and dealing with administrative cases

The links below lead to BIP (Public Information Newsletter) pages, where descriptions o administrative procedures are published. The customer has the possibility of finding out about the way of dealing with administrative cases before they come to the Town Hall. You can also download notions for printing, flling in and lodging to the office in order to start administrative procedure.

Choose department:

Department of Finance and Taxes

Decision on the amount of forest tax

Decision on the amount of agriculture tax

Decision on the amount of real estate tax

Decision for forest tax

Declaration for real estate tax

Declaration for means of transport tax

Declaration for agriculture tax

Pay warrant for total financial liabilities

Decision on prolonging the tax pay date and decision on prolonging tax arrears together with interests for delay

Decision on instalments in tax payment and decision on instalments in tax arrears together with interests for delay

Decision on extinction of tax arrears

Income certificate of and agricultural holding

Certificate of not being in arrears with tax or stating tax arrears

Crises Management Centre



Registry office

Certificate of marriage

Registration of marriage concluded abroad into Polish registry book

Issuing certificate on legal liability to get married abroad

Certificate of birth

Registration of birth certificate issued abroad into Polish registry book

Certificate of death

Registration of death certificate registered abroad into Polish book

Reconstruction of death certificate issued abroad

Extract from birth, marriage and death register

Correction of an obvious literary mistake

Completion of the certificate of maritial status

Awarding medals for long-term maritial life

Issuing motions for ID cards

Registration (permanent residence)

Registration (temporary residence)

Report from permanent residence

Report by administrative decision

Office for Promotion and Development of the Community and Economic Activity

Allowance for selling alcohol in and out of the sales place

Single allowance for selling and serving alcohol

Issuing certificate confirming the payment for an allowance

Motion for registration into list of a non-hotel object into the list of hotel service

Licences for taxi transport on the area of the community of Stronie Śląskie

Department of real estate management and agricultural matters

Confirming ownership of forest land in order to cut trees from private forests

Rent for agricultural purposes (arable lands, gardens) for period up to three years

Rent not connected with economic activity (sheds, garages) for period up to three years

Rent not connected with economic activity for period up to three years

Sales of flats in non-bidding form to the present tenant

Buying real estate by the Community

Fee on annuity

Allocation of social flat

Issues connected with renovation of buildings owned by the Community

Sales of reals estate in non-bidding form to improve conditions of own real estate

Sales of real estate in form of a bid

Issues connected with administration of buildings within Flat Shares including the Community

Department of Area Management, Technical Infrastructure and Environment Protection

Setting the conditions for builings, investments

Setting conditions for investments for public purpose

Giving opinion on first project of share of real estate for building purposes

Issuing agreement to take a road lane and set there a device not connected with the road function

Issuing agreement to remove (replace) trees or bushes from the area of real estate

Registration of a dog

Reservation or prolongation for using a tombplace on community cemetery

Giving opinion on decisions accepting projects of management of waste dangerous for subjects on kłodzki region

Giving ordinal numbers for real estates

Agreements for managing activity in collecting waste and emptying septic tanks and transport of liquid waste

Number of visits: 2440754 Projektowanie stron www
Project co-financed with the means of the European Fund for Regional Development within the Project INTERREG III A Czech Republic - Poland