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(en)VADEMECUM Unii Europejskiej


After WW II Europe acknowledged the necessity for peaceful cooperation between European countries. On 25 March 1957 in Rome six countries founded the base for the new organization – European union. The members were: Belgium, France, Holland, Luxembourg, Germany and Italy.

Enlargement process of EU concerning countries of the Middle and East Europe, Cyprus, Malta and Turkey is a historical enterprise. Enlarged Union will support trade and economic activity as well as give the pace of growth and integration of European economy as a whole. Accepting new member countries will strengthen the position and influence of EU internationally.

Wikipedia: about EU in Internet encyclopaedia Europejska


Symbols of EU

-Flag of EU

12 golden stars shaped circularly on the blue background

The idea for the flag came from Spanish diplomat Salvador de Madariaga y Rojo and French artist Arsen Heitz. Since 1952 they worked together for the European Council and in autumn of 1955 they presented the final project of the flag: twelve golden stars situated clockwise on the blue background. Proportions of length to height (3:2) have been defined, star ray on 1/18 of height and crown ray on 1/3 of height, with an unchanged number of twelve stars symbolizing perfection and harmony , hours, months,zodiac signs and apostles.

The project of the flag was approved by the European Council in Paris. The same flag, described symbolically, heraldically and geometrically was accepted on 21 April 1986 as a flag of European Communities, presently EU.


-Hymn of EU

Committee of European Council Ministers accepted, on 12 Jan 1972 as an European hymn, “Ode to Joy”, 4th part of IX symphony of Ludwig van Beethoven, prepared by Herbert von Krajan. Since 1986 it is the hymn of EU.

Beethoven composed the music in the years 1817-1823 for the poem of Schiller called “Ode to Joy” from 1785. But officially the hymn has no words to avoid arguments concerning the language. The hymn is usually played on 9 May , during celebration of EU, and on official occasions and EU summons.


-Day of Europe


Day of the EU is celebrated on 9 May. It commemorates the date of 9 May 1950 when Robert Schuman, French Minister of Foreign Affairs in 1948-1952 announced his delaration – Schuman’s Plan. It concerned creation of the European Coal and Steel Community.



on 1 Jan 2002 currency of EU – euro- was put into public use. It is not dependant on the basket, and its value is also independent of other stable currencies.

Presidents of governments and countries in Dec 1995 accepted the name of euro. It is short and has the same spelling in all EU languages, which is considered an asset.

One euro is made up with 100 cents. The symbol of this currency is a Greek letter of epsilon, cut with two diagonal lines.



EU is the family of democrative European cuontries, which aim at mutual cooperation for peace and prosperity. This is an unique organisation. Membership countries share their competences within common institutions so that decisions in particular cases being the objects of their common interests could be made democratically on European level.

Member countries:

Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Holland, Finnland, France, Greece, Spain, Ireland, Luxembourg, Germany, Portugal, Sweden, Great Britain, Italy, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary.



Institutional system of European Communities is based on five major institutions: European Parliament, European Commission, Council of Europe, Court of Justice, European Financial Tribunal and subsidiary institutions: Committee of the Regions, Socio-Economical Committee, European Central Bank and European Bank of Investment. EU institutions work on implementation of European Community tasks, manage the process of European integration, create EU law, set new aims to unite Europe in full.



Centre of European Information informing about issues connected with EU, containing teleaddresses from all over Poland, e.g. regional Centers of European Information. School European Clubs


Euro Info Centre – Project of European Commission for small and medium enterprises


-portal of EU, official website of EU with links to most important sites on European issues


-official site of Project INTERREG III A,

-site concerning institutions of EU, basic information about them and links


Information about programmes, structural funds and legislation of EU


Service for non-governmental European organizations

Complimentary catalogue of information sources on EU


Polish Press Agency PAP, European Service


European Parliament


European Council.Represents membership countries, with one minister from each country of EU during session


Court of Justice for European Communities. Pays attention that the Union law is obeyed in the same way in each country.


Ombudsman of EU. Acts as an intermediary between citizens and authorities of EU, accepts and investigates complaints lodged by citizens.



Council of Europe. Strengthens democration, human rights and law obedience as well as European cultural heritage


European Central Bank Created to introduce the euro currency and to ensurenon-problematic functioning of payment systems, as well as to define frames and realization of economic and financial policy of EU. Site:…



Jan Haas
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Project co-financed with the means of the European Fund for Regional Development within the Project INTERREG III A Czech Republic - Poland