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(en)Przejrzysta Polska

Within Social Action “Clear Poland” the following informational materials have been written:

Bugdet Guide “Where do we get our money from and what we do with them?”

Summary of the Development Strategy for the Community of Stronie Śląskie.

Summary of the Many-year Invetment Programme of the Community of Stronie Śląskie for the years 2005 – 2010 (WPI)

Full versions available on the site http:/, as well as in the Town Hall (room 9).

Stronie Śląskie Community, together with the Mountain Centre, Niedzwiedzia Cave, Underground Tour Route, Ski station “Kamienica” and the Centre for Sports and Recreation ordered a promotional film of Stronie Śląskie Community to be made.

Director of the 10-min film: Meciej Maciejewski.

Community of Stronie śląskie is an interesting place with rich history and tradition. Before you come to visit us, we recommend you to see the presentation of the Community.

Wrocław Polish Radio has made an advertising campaign entitled “Visit us in winter – Stronie Śląskie.

You can listen to radio broadcast by clicking below

Bogdan Birówka
Number of visits: 2423062 Projektowanie stron www
Project co-financed with the means of the European Fund for Regional Development within the Project INTERREG III A Czech Republic - Poland